A Simple Plan: Experts


Nov 26, 2017

Oil Spill Leads to Asthma – Fracking to be Monitored

The production of oil and gas in the US has increased thanks to the process called fracking. But the whole procedure poses a huge threat to the environment as well as the health and well being of the people.

You have to understand that toxic chemical spill ups are becoming quite common in the world today and it is a huge problem. As scientists investigate on this issue, they have found out that in the US alone, 16% of all oil spills are containing harmful chemicals.

There were four states in the US that had about 6,650 chemical spills collectively during the end of the decade of 2014.

Chemical spills will damage everything in its path including deteriorating the condition of the environment. With fracking being uncontrollable, the risk of asthma issues will increase as it is linked to this kind of negative public health outcomes, if you are interested in knowing more about the issue, make sure you read the posted article below.

Make sure that you take in the knowledge you get from this article as it will discuss what exactly is fracking and why it causes chemical spills.

Due to fracking, a lot of chemical spill ups have caused a lot of problems in the US. It is also essential for you to know what the complete procedure of fracking.

The fracking procedure is done by the process of hydraulic fracturing.

You need to know that the entire fracking process will include the mixture of chemical additives that will be mi together with water and that liquid mixture will be inserted to the production well. You have to know that the mixture made is for helping release the trapped resource by cracking the bedrock.

The wastewater or the mixture will then be collected after the process and the company will decide whether to use it again or dispose of it. There are a lot of ways that a chemical spill can happen and that is acknowledged by the EPA or Environmental Protection Agency of the United States.

The chemical issue will begin when the company has bad mechanical integrity. The injection procedure is mostly the cause of spill ups in this kind of procedure. You have to know that this kind of chemical problem will damage the whole environment if it is not properly taken care of and you would not want that to happen to the world, right?

You have to make sure that you wear the right equipment if you plan to join the toxic chemical spill cleanup, you could get some health issues as well if you fail to do this procedure properly.
