The Benefits of your Dog to your Health

As pets, dogs have grown in stature to become more like friends and playmates. Dogs are the most friendly and accommodative pets around. Another use of dogs is in keeping their owners healthy and fit. Those new to the experience of owning a dog for a pet will find these ways in which they can stay in shape very informative and interesting.

The habit of taking your dog for a walk presents the owners with a chance to go out and exercise. The breed of dog does not matter. This ensures that they always get regular exercises. The time they take walking in a week has been seen to be twice that of those who do not own such pets. Dog walking does not have to be a fast-paced one. Even a gentle walk is enough to keep one fit. This can be done once or twice a day.

Dogs have a pleasant effect on their owner’s moods. Playing with the dogs, especially their puppies, gives someone an instant dose of calm and joy. The period spent in play with a puppy causes your body to release nice feeling hormones such a serotonin, oxytocin, and prolactin.

When you stay with your puppy through its growth until maturity, you will naturally become close friends, which will help you cope with stress in your life. You will always feel better when you care about something besides yourself. The ways to do this are through activities like washing the dog, feeding it, and giving it treats like those from Betsy Farms.

Another the way your dog will benefit you is by lowering your blood pressure. This is achieved through the stroking and feeling the touch of your dog. This is enhanced by their presence and companionship.

There was a study that was done which had a group of children in it. The objective of the study was to establish the effect of dogs on the immune system of human beings. Those that spent the most time around dogs were less prone to diseases as compared to those that didn’t. It was seen that the action of vacuuming the carpet in a house lead to the spread of all the bacteria that dogs bring in from the outside when they go walking. This makes the children’s immune systems more active, thus affording them better fighting chances against diseases. While this was unconventional, it proved to be effective.

Dogs have many other benefits and purposes, some of which are being only realized at the moment. Dogs have been seen to have an ability to detect changes in a person’s body. they have the ability to tell when your blood sugar is getting low. This ability is especially beneficial to those who have diabetes. A dog is not just a pet. They have proven to be more beneficial, and have become family members and friends to many of us.

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