Learning The “Secrets” of Animals

Choosing On Whether To Add A Cat Or A Dog In Your Family

From the earlier times, there has been a special connection between humans and animals, and thus there are many individuals who have kept them at their homes pets where they serve to make homes lively and also adds another dimension of life to the home and the occupants. The addition of a pet to a home is fantastic where they present joy to the home but there are many people who find it challenging to select the best animal to add to their homes. One should not add any pet to their home as there are factors that one needs to consider or they will realize they made the wrong choice when it is too late. We are therefore going to compare the two most popular pets in homes; cats and dogs and also give an insight on how to compare other species that are kept in homes. One will thus gain knowledge that will help to determine which pet to add to their homes.

One reason that has seen most people preferring cats to dogs is the fact that they do not require a lot of attention from the homeowner which makes them easy to look after. Another benefit of keeping cats over dogs is that they do not get depressed easily even if they are left alone for long periods as they have their ways of ensuring they remain happy. Cats are thus ideal for individuals who are usually busy while they are also perfect for emotional individuals. Unlike many other animals, cats display a broad range of emotions, and thus their behavior is easily understood. For individuals who love pets that payback with love and attention, a cat will not be ideal as they usually like to keep their space at most of the times. Cats can also pose a threat if they turn volatile and unhappy.

Dogs unlike the cats, are going to take you a lot of time and effort as one seeks to ensure that their dogs are healthy, entertained and also fit. The much effort and time that one inputs when they keep dogs as pets won’t go unrewarded as they also show love and loyalty while they also possess outstanding communication skills allowing the owner to understand them. Dogs are also trainable and understand when they are wrong thus making them ideal for homes with kids. One of the reasons most people overlook keeping dogs is the amount of effort that they require where one has to take them to daily walks and also to the vet at times. When dogs are lonely for long periods they get bored or annoyed and may also turn destructive thus the need to ensure interaction.